
Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Art Colouring Book


Hi! Today I and my class was doing a Summer learning journey. We had to colour a painting and colour it in! I did a flower in a vase. It was really fun doing it! if you would like to do it here's a link: This is how you get into it first 
Pick what one you would like to do! Then watch the video to learn what you have to do then click on (Art Colouring Book: choose an image to colour. ) Then  it will take you to this:
Then push the blue button and it will take you to all these paintings and you choose one then colour!

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Sapphire Math samples


Hello! my class and I was showing samples of what we have been doing in class! This is my screen
recording of my sample! Bye!!

Sapphire Our Place Our Names Matching Drawing Assessment


Today in class we have been learning about te Reo Māori This is my work

Thursday, 5 November 2020

The boy and the rat


Hello, Today in literacy my reading group have got this book Named (The boy and the rat)
I really like this book because there was a boy and he wanted a rat but his mother wouldn't
Let him but in the end, he did! I worked with Marsali. Hope you like our slide!

Friday, 30 October 2020

Rain Stopped Play

Today in literacy we did a story name Rain Stopped play. It was really
Funny t the end Because They mad a hut and the dad was watering 
The hut and they thought that it was raining. Hope you like my


Thursday, 22 October 2020

Being on time


Today I and Ella-May Made a Slide about being on time. It was are Value! 
Here is work! 

Thursday, 24 September 2020

The Difference Between a Comic Strip,a Comic Book and a Cartoon.

 Comic Strip

It's a drawing that's inboxes that tells a story.

Comic Book
It's a comic and there are boxes next to each other and it's called a panel!

A Cartoon
A Cartoon is a bit like an animation, but it's voice-acted most of the time.


Friday, 18 September 2020

Persuasive Advertising Writing.

Today in literacy I have been making some ads Enjoy!

Thursday, 17 September 2020

All i want for Christmas


Today in Literacy I had been doing a book called  "All I Want for Christmas" It's about That one day There was a girl and she wanted to get a go-Kart for Christmas. But her mum wouldn't because she think shes spoiling her. But after she did. Here's my slide!

Thursday, 10 September 2020

The Ice-Cream


Today in literacy we had been doing a book called The ice-Cream. It's about the mum won't let the kids have it because it not healthy. Here my work :)

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Visual language


Today in class we have been learning about visual language and  Space.
First, we have to get paper and a pencil and we had to draw a line in the middle. 
Then we had to put an ex somewhere then we draw squares.
Then we Conext it to the ex then we colour it in! Heres my work :)

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

How to go to Hub hornby from Gilberthorpe School


Today we had Being doing Directions Frist we had to go on Google maps and we had to search up Our school to hub Hornby. Then we take a screenshot
and then we put it on the slide and tell you guys the Directions! This is my 

Friday, 28 August 2020

Watching Maddie


Our Literacy work is called (Watching Maddie). I really like the Story because it really funny at the end because Maddie was giving Malcolm (Her dad) Water tea And he was watching the TV because he likes gold then he found out that it was toilet Water

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Island in The Sun


In Literacy we had done a DLO about Island in The Sun I really like the story 
Island in The Sun.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Biscuits for the teacher


Today I have been in literacy We have been doing a story its called Biscuits for the teacher This is my work Enjoy!

Friday, 7 August 2020

Best Friends

Today in literacy My reading class has been reading a book named Best Friends. The book is about a dog cat there names were Sophie and Leo They were best friends. And one day Sophie was going somewhere then she went on the main road and got rand over when Leo couldn't find her he kept on trying then he saw he laying there lifeless and then he Came over and took her to the vet and she was okay!

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Procedural Writing

Today we have done Procedural Writing again. Mine was about (How to Make a Sandwich)
I hope this will help anyone! Bye

Friday, 31 July 2020

Term 3 Procedural Writing Journal 2020

Today in my literacy class we were doing  Procedural Writing I did one that was "How to Play Roblox"
This is my work!

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Amira & Sapphire Sort the Comments

Today in class We had done cyber smart We were doing positive comments. we first
we Buddy up I buddied up with Amira We were doing this goggle drawing we had to
Put a thumbs down or a thumb's up if its bad or good. This is my work :)  

Friday, 3 July 2020


Hi guys! Today my class was learning about Matariki. This is a slide about it. 
I hope you like it and I hope you had lent something Bye!

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Risk Takeing

Today in My class we were doing values. About Risk-Taking. I did an animation about it This is it.

Zones of Regulation

Hi Guys! Today in my class we were doing Zones of Regulation. It is and Goggle drawing and we pick a zone and answer their questions on the Goggle Drawing. This is my work I hope you like it.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Information Report

Hi Guys! Today I have been doing An information report. I was doing and Rabbit for the animal This is my work. I hope you like it Bye!

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Paikea and the whale

Today in my literacy Class we had been learning about Paikea and the whale I really liked learning about it. This is my work :)

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Private Photos

Hi Guys! Today my class had been doing cyber smart. We are stupose to Put stickers, Sapes On the photo that is private. This is my work!

Maui And the sun

Hi Guys! Today in literacy I have done a fun activity. About Maui and the Sun. I Really liked the Activities This is my work!

Maui And The Fish

Hi Guys! Today in literary I had been learning about Maui And The Fish. I really like the story! This Is my work!

Healthy Eating

Hi Guys! Today In Class we have been learning about healthy eating. We are supposed to Do ideas about a healthy lunch box. This Is My Work.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Hatupatu And the bird woman

Hi Guys! Today in my literary class we have been learning about Hatupatu and bird-women this is my work. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

New Zealand Music Month

Today in literacy we had done a DLO To tell everyone whats New Zealand Music Month is.

Heres my work.

Grand Prix Multiplication

Grand Prix Multiplication

Hello, It's Sapphire here. Today I played a Multiplication game. It was Really interesting It was kinda hard because it was timetables and I'm Still Learning. Timetables It was a racing game. Heres Me playing it :D 

My next step is to learn some more timetables Bye! 

Monday, 4 May 2020

New Zealand Sign Language

New Zealand Sign Language 

Sign Language and Assistive Hearing Devices | Disabled World

Today I was learning about sign language. I learned how to say my name in sign language which you will see on the DLO. Heres my learning: 

My next step is to learn how to say the days of the week in sign language. 

Thursday, 30 April 2020

An Animal Book

An Animal Book

Today I  read a book that my nana had. The book was very old so I had to be careful with it. It was very interesting and on every page, there was a different animal and you could press the page to get an animal sound this is a photo on the front.

My next step is to start reading chapter books.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Today at literary we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods it was very interesting and fun!!

Friday, 20 March 2020

Race Relations Day

Last week we have been learning About Race Relations Day 
So our literacy teacher Made a slide for us and We need to 
Do the activities it was really fun doing this slide Well here is my work! 
I hope you like it.   

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Learning how to look after chromebooks

Today we have been learning how to look after Chromebooks!  

I hope you like my work.